Ethyrius Strasza

"The strong should pave a way for the weak."

Given Name: Ethyrius "Ethy" Strasza
(Ehth-EE-ree-uhs Str-aw-zuh)
True Name: Hoshino ShiraiNameday: 04/14
Age: 28-30
Height: 7'0" (213.36 cm)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Foster Parents: Ser Thrandr Strasza & Lady Eydis Strasza
True Parents: Lord Takeshi Shirai & Lady Chiyoko Shirai
Sister: Chiasa Shirai [22]
Tank: Paladin
Healer: White Mage
Magical DPS: Red Mage
Physical DPS: Samurai
- Rolanberries and fruit parfaits
- Mining
- Shield collecting
- Camping! (Sightseeing and Stargazing)
- Sea Urchins
- Sand (especially when it gets in his scales.)
- Getting his horns caught into things
- People who drag their feet
NPC Partner - Urianger Augurelt
Kai V'icero
Keiura Kusunagu

The Adventure


Hoshino Shirai was born in the Ruby Sea and was blessed by the Kojins at birth. At the age of four, he was separated from his family in the middle of a storm whilst the Garleans attacked the surrounding area. Unconscious and floating among debris, Hoshino was found by a merchant ship headed for Vesper Bay.Thrandr, the Highlander Hyur merchant who picked him up, decided to take the young Auri in as he and his Midlander wife Eydis haven't been able to produce kids of their own. The couple were so thrilled to finally have a son.Besides the ivory horns, scales and tail being notable features on the child, the couple were entranced by his piercing golden eyes. "They have such an ethereal glow to them!" From that glow, the young boy was named Ethyrius by the small Strasza family of Crescent Cove.Since Thrandr was always out to sea as a merchant, Ethyrius and his mother were always together. The child was quiet due to trauma and language barriers and his new mother did everything she could to make him feel more at home. Eydis went out to the market at Vesper Bay and bought him all sorts of fruits. She also taught him how to speak, read, and write.When Ethyrius was around 10 years old, news has spread that his father and his crew got lost out at sea. Ethy and his mother were devastated as Thrandr was the main breadwinner of the family. One of the Strasza's long-time family friends, a Seawolf Roegadyn named Grehaerz, decides to help Eydis out. Grehaerz and his son Loezsald (12), invite the young Ethy to join them with their mining company to learn how to "be a man" and provide. The young Au Ra and young Roegadyn quickly became best friends; brothers even.


As Ethyrius hit his fifteenth summer, he and Loez (Loezsald) found an interest in the Coliseum. The intense battles and gil gambling caught their attention. Ethy wanted to help his mother financially, and Loez wanted fame and glory. The two eventually get caught up in dirty underground fights since they were both too young for the public fights; even making friends with the wrong crowd.The young Auri and Roe find themselves indulging in drink and bodily pleasures adolescents their age shouldn't be exposed to til adulthood. Over time, the young men's behaviour became crude and unsavory.Grehaerz eventually finds out about their underground shenanigans after seeing the two boys bruised, battered, and extremely ill-mannered during some of their mining expeditions. Their parents have the boys under close watch after weeks of being lectured on learning to be better men. Ethyrius eventually gets scouted by the Paladins of Ul'dah from one of his underground fights. It takes Eydis some persuasion from one of the Paladins and Grehaerz to allow Ethy to join their ranks for the proper training and discipline.Ethyrius was a young, reckless paladin who tried too hard to be nice and still struggled with temptations of drink and body when he found himself in the shady parts of Ul'dah during patrols.When he was 17, what was supposed to be a simple escort mission, turned out to be an ambush from someone he had defeated back in the Coliseum. Ethyrius was eventually found on one of the main roads to Thanalan. Those who found him and brought his unconscious body back to Ul'dah noted that he was missing a horn, had scrapes on huge portions of his body as if he were dragged across the land, and had bruises as if he were bound and beaten. (Bruises on Ethy's face were uncommon as his horns protected most blows to the face.)Ethyrius was in for quite the recovery. His lack of horn and broken bones forced him to take a break from his Paladin duties. Concerned for his recovery, his paladin superiors escort him to meet with the conjurers of Gridania. During his stay there, he learns he has an affinity for magic and can channel aether fairly well. To recover faster and protect the people he swore to, Ethyrius is mentored in White Magic by E-Sumi-Yan. Ethy returns home to Vesper Bay after a year of healing and learning.
To ease his mother’s frantic heart, Ethy decides he’d work as a simple delivery man for the merchants at the Bay until his horn has fully grown back.
Fully recovered at 19, Ethyrius returns to duty, and undergoes personal training to catch him up to speed with his colleagues. Being able to feel and call on the aether around him from his time in Gridania made him an even better paladin. On his days off, he’d continue his delivery services and visit his mother whenever he can. It wasn't until he witnessed his mother get harassed by a few men that he realized his former ill-manners were unforgivable.


At 21, Ethyrius gained the respect of his superiors. With his robust physique and White Magic-enhanced senses, he was a formidable opponent in both strength and speed. He strived to be a man his mother and deceased father would be proud of.On one of his days off, he made a trip for Limsa Lominsa to deliver a package to his childhood friend Loezsald who was currently training to be a Marauder. Whilst walking through Hawkers' Alley, Ethyrius felt eyes upon him. Armed with a dagger, a silver-haired Miqo'te lunges for the off-duty paladin only to be stunned and dazed by the shieldless paladin's backhand. The Miqo'te was quick, sure, but the Auri was quicker."You're lucky I didn't have my shield on me, good Ser. I could have left more than a dent in that thick skull of yours."
-Ethyrius to the Miqo'te thief
The sailors and merchants who witnessed the scene cheered and whistled. Around Hawkers' Alley, the paladin had earned the nickename "Backhand Ethy" from a previous incident similar to this one. Before Ethyrius was able to have a proper word with his attacker, the cheers snapped the cat out of his daze and sprinted off in curses and embarrassment.The paladin searched Limsa for his attacker. Not out of vengeance, but because he was concerned for the Miqo'te and didn't want an unsuspecting victim to get hurt. During his paladin training, Ethy learned to try and understand why people do the things they do to better serve and protect them; why people riot, why people steal, why people lie, and so on. And this Miqo'te didn't seem bloodthirsty; he seemed troubled by past and present. The paladin wanted to help the Miqo the way Grehaerz helped him walk a better path.It didn't take long for Ethyrius to find him; and it didn't take much to get the Miqo'te to tag along with him for a meal. Fully expecting some form of retaliation from the Miqo'te, Ethyrius never expected his attacker to shed tears after taking a bite out of the Sohm Al tart he ordered for him. All Ethy could do was smile, as the tears that rolled down the troubled face before him explained so much more than words could. It was a new beginning for the Miqo'te; the birth of a new friendship.[...still a work in progress.]

[Everything here is still a work in progress. owo;;]


//Was dubbed The Pink Paladin by Tataru as a joke for his proficiency in White and Red Magic on top of his skills as a Paladin

White Mage

//He picked up conjuring when he was 17. E-Sumi-Yan taught and healed him as much as he could until Ethy was well enough to return home to his worried mother. He returned home a year later. [18yo]

Red Mage

//Ethyrius wanted to learn more types of swordsmanship to better himself.
//Since Ethy was already well versed in White Magic, someone speculated that he should pick up Black Magic as well.
//Although, he was uneasy with the amount of destruction Black Magic can deal, he liked the idea of learning both sides of aether and understanding why the balance between them is good.


//It wasn't until Ethyrius found his birthtown in the Ruby Sea that he picked up the katana.
//He also reunites with his biological parents and learns he has a younger sister Chiasa
//Chiasa bests Ethyrius in duels
//The siblings mentor each other in their respective swordsmanships
//Ethy mentors Chiasa in conjuring.

The Player behind Ethy

Hello! My name is Ace Florins! I am a lady to who needs to draw as much as she plays video games.